Sunday, March 09, 2025

13.58°C Kathmandu

Air Quality in Kathmandu: 164


Date of birth: Falgun 12 1999 B.S
Birth Place: Kavre,Bagmati
Father/Mother:Gopikrishna/Saraswoti Kharel
Entry in Nepali Movie:In 2028 B.S.
1983- Present Independent Film Producer, Writer & Director. 
1982 Information, Education and Communication Advisor, National Commission on Population and Johns Hopkins University Joint Project, Nepal. 
1981-1982 Coordinator, Film Spots for Cinema Project, National Commission on Population and Johns Hopkins University.
1978-1980 Editor and Publisher, Ghuantro Weekly, Nepal. 
1977-1989 General Secretary/ Vice President/ Director General, Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN).
1976- 1980 Founding Chairman and Executive Director, Communication Management, Research and Training Incorporated (COMMAT, Inc.,).
1972-1975 Executive Chairman, Royal Nepal Film Corporation, Nepal.
1969- 1971 Programmer Conductor, British Broadcasting Company (BBC), London- Nepali Service, England. 
1966-1968 Lecturer, Department of Economics, National College, Nepal. 
1959- 1968 Program Producer and Conductor, Radio Nepal. 
1979-1988 Chairman, Bhagwati Higher Secondary School, Palanchowk, Nepal.
2000- 2002 Founding Chairman, Film Development Board, Nepal.
2000- 2002 Board Member, Royal Nepal Academy
2003- 2010 Treasurer/ Vice President/ President, Nepal Eye Hospital
2000-2004 Board Member, High Power Commission, Bagmati River And Sewage Development Committee. 
2000- 2003 Founding Chairman, Nepal Film Producer’s Association. 
2008-2010 Elected/ Founding Chairman, Music Royalty Collection Society of Nepal. 
2001-2006 Vice- Chairman/ Chairman, Basudev Vidya Dev Luitel Puraskar Guthi.
1. Cheli Beti (Daughter/ Daughter-In-Law)
2. Lobi Papi (The Greedy Man and The Sinner)
3. Aandhi Beri (Hurricane)
4. Prem Pinda (Eternal Love)
5. Shree Swasthani (The Goddess)
6. Naso (Keepsake)
7. Hatteri 
8. Aadikabi BhanuBhakta (The First Poet, Bhanu Bhakta)
9. Mahakabi Laxmi Prasad Devkota (The Great Poet)
10. Buhari (Daughter in Law)
11. From Darkness to Light
1. Cheli Beti (Daughter/ Daughter-In-Law)
2. Lobhi Papi (The Greedy Man and The Sinner) 
3. Aandhi Beri (Hurricane)
4. Prem Pinda (Eternal Love)
5. Shree Swasthani (The Goddess)
6. Naso (Keepsake)
7. Hatteri (Oh Schucks!)
8. Aadikabi BhanuBhakta (The First Poet, Bhanu Bhakta)
1. Lobhi Papi (The Greedy Man and The Sinner)
2. Aandhi Beri (Hurricane)
3. Prem Pinda (Eternal Love)
4. Shree Swasthani (The Goddess)
5. Naso (Keepsake)
6. Hatteri (Oh Schucks!)
7. Aadikabi BhanuBhakta (The First Poet, Bhanu Bhakta)
Story Writer
1. Cheli-Beti
2. Aandhi Beri (Hurricane)
3. Hatteri (Oh Schucks!)
4. Aadikabi Bhanu Bhakta (The First Poet, Bhanu Bhakta)
-National Awards for the film, Prem Pinda (1993): 
Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Song, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor. 
-Shikhar Award for the film, Cheli Beti (1990).
Best Lyrics
-18th French Film Festival, Nantes, France, 1996: Prem Pinda. 
-3rd Pyongyang Film Festival of Non Aligned and Developing Countries, North Korea, 1992: Lobhi- Papi. 
1st SAARC Film Festival, Colombo, Sri- Lanka: Aadi Kabi Bhanu Bhakta. 
1.   Jhankar, 1968 Classics
2.   Nau Saya Khola, 1998 Classics
3.   Nau Ghumti, 1998 Classics
4.   Swarnim Samjhana, 2009 Classics
6.   Deshako Santari, 2010 Specialty (Children’s)
4.   Tuhuro Ishwor, 2009 Specialty (Senior Citizens’)
7.   Purna Madaha, 2010 Spiritual Ballads
8.   Pusta, 2010 (TBR) Modern
9.   Lagyo Pachyauri, 2011 (TBR) Modern
10. Cheli Beti, 1989 Motion Picture
11. Lobhi Papi, 1990 Motion Picture
12. Aandhi Behri, 1991 Motion Picture
13. Prem Pinda, 1992 Motion Picture
14. Naso, 1997 Motion Picture
15. Sangam, 2001 Motion Pictures Collection
16. Hatteri, 2003 Motion Picture
17.Babu Saheb Motion Picture
Diploma (Film Production/ Director), London Film School, London, England, 1971.
Bachelor of Law (Jurisprudence, International Law, Equity and Tort, Constitutional Law), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1968. 
M.A. (Economics), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1965. 
B.A. (Economics and Literature), Tri Chandra College, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1963. 
Intermediate of Arts (Economics, Political Science, Literature), Tri Chandra College, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1961. 
Languages: Nepali, Hindi, English.
-Image Lifetime Achievement Award, 2012
-Basu Sashi Pratisthan Sammann, 2012
Padmo Daya Samman, 2011
-Medals for Contributions to Art and Culture, awarded by His Majesty, King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, 1994. 
-Ratna Shreee Gold Medal, awarded for best travelogue writing, 1973. 
 -Prakhyat Trishaktipat (received from His Majesty for contribution in film)
-Prabal Gorkha Dakshin Bahu (received from His Majesty for contribution in film)
-Shri Paanch Birendra Gaddi Arohan Rajat Mahotsav Medal (received from His Majesty for contribution in film)
-Birendra Aishwarya Medal (received from His Majesty for contribution in film)
-Bari Pahiro Uddhar Medal (received from Her Majesty)
-Hiranya Kumari Karki Award (from Bhupalman Singh Karki Prajna Puraskar)
-Chinnalata Geet Puraskar (Chinnalata Song Award Trust)
-Ratna Shri medal, Ratna Shree Magazine
1. Ani Euta Lahar Biujanchha (Then The Wave Awakens): Collected            Poems, 2022. Self Published. 
2. Yadav Kharel Ka Muktak Haru (Yadav Kharel’s Couplets): Collected Poems. Bhanu Prakashan- 2029. 1st Edition- Chandra Kumar Bhattarai. 2046 (2nd Edition). 
3. Samundra Pari (Beyond The Ocean): A Travelogue. 2029. Chandra Kumar Bhattarai. 
4. Khalbal (Commotion): Collected Poems. 2047. Kawaa Prakashan, Kathmandu, Nepal. 
5. Yesto Pani Hudo Rai Chha (It So Happens In Life): Collected Songs. Royal Nepal Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal. 2048.  
6. Yastai Rahe Chha Yahaa Ko Chalan, A Collection of Lyrics, 2059, Royal Nepal Academy. Kathmandu, Nepal. 
7. Aadi Kabi BhanuBhakta: The Screenplay. Bhanu Janmasthal Bikas Samiti, Ramgha. 2056. 
8. A Commentary on Maha Kabi Laxmi Prasad Devkota. Publisher, Narsingha Bahadur Shrestha, Chairman- Nepal Cultural Association. 2061.
1. Author, Tuku- Tuku (2012), Children's Book of Lyric Poems Published by Dikura Publications. 
2. Author, Tate- Tate (2012), Children’s Book of Lyric Poems Published by Book Sign. 
3. Author, Tyam Tum Tum (2011), Musa ra Musi (2011), Myau Garchha Biralo (2011), Ban Ko Mali (2012), Children’s Book of Lyric Poems Published by Room to Read. 
1. Geetkar Yadav Kharel, Devi Prasad Dahal, 2065, Publisher, Kharel Samajh. 
1. Prem Pinda Ko Chalchitrikaran (The Making Of Prem Pinda), Madhav Dhungel, 2060, Post Graduation Thesis. 
2. Yadav Kharel Ko Jeewani, Byaktitwa Ra Krititwa Ko Adhyan (A Study of Yadav Kharel’s Life, Personality and Creative Works), Bidur Prasad Dahal, 2055, Post Graduation Thesis. 
3. Yadav Kharel Ko Chalchitrakarita (The Filmmaking of Yadav Kharel). 
Kathmandu, Ward No. 7
Kumarigal, Gujeshwori Height
Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone: 977-9851078083


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