Tuesday, October 22, 2024

20.12°C Kathmandu

Air Quality in Kathmandu: 100

Saroj Suryabanshi

Saroj Suryabanshi. He was born in Kathmandu, Nepal (August 22, 1995) He is a singer/songwriter. He started his music career when since grade seven. He was not brought up in a musical environment but when his brother brought home a guitar for the very first time, he couldn't resist but play those strings.

Saroj has always been a natural when it comes to writing songs and putting together the composition. However, he only got into what he calls a "real music" during his high school.Saroj feels the real depth in his music now. He has evolved that much with all these years performing and signing. His first original work was म which is yet to materialize. Saroj has almost fifty compositions ready to go. Right now he is working on his new album and a song entitled अन्योल is featured all this month because his is the "Hot Shot".

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