Saturday, December 14, 2024

6.12°C Kathmandu

Air Quality in Kathmandu: 171

Dr. Bishwambhar Pyakurel

विश्वम्भर प्याकु-याल अर्थशास्त्र का प्राध्यापक हुन् जसले त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयमा झन्डै ३९ वर्ष प्राध्यापन गरे/ उनीले नेपाल र अमेरिका बाट एम ए, पि. एच. डी र पोस्ट डक्टोरल डिग्री लिएका छन्/ उनले हनोलुलु, वाशिंगटन, ईटली लगायत विश्वका धेरै मुलुकमा आगन्तुक विज्ञ तथा आगन्तुक प्राध्यापक भएर काम गरेका छन्/ उनीले विश्वका झन्डै ६० वोटा मुलुकमा पेशागत काम को अनुभव बटुलेका छन्/ 

प्याकु-याल को आधुनिक कथा संग्रह “इन्द्रेणी को गुम्बज भित्र” २०२८ सालमा प्रकाशित भएको थियो/ उनीले रेडियो नेपालमा झन्डै ४ वर्ष हप्तामा एक पल्ट नियमित रूपमा बज्ने गीति कथा लेखेका छन्/    प्याकु-यालको पहिलो गीत “छाती भरिका माया आँखा भरिका कुरा सबै माँनुला” २०२७ सालमा नेत्र बिनोद श्रेष्ठ द्वारा गायिएको हो/ धेरै नै काम गीत लेख्ने गीतकार मध्ये प्याकु-याल पनि एक हो/ उनका गीत नारायण गोपाल, गोपाल योन्जन, दीप श्रेष्ठ, प्रकाश श्रेष्ठ, प्रेम ध्वज, दिपक खरेल, रबिन शर्मा, उदय सोतांग, उमेश पाण्डे लगायत अन्य अरु केहीले पनि गायेका छन्/


Bishwambher Pyakuryal was professor of Economics at Tribhuvan University (TU) for almost 39 years. He holds double Masters, Ph.D. and completed Post-doctoral research in economics from TU, Ohio University and University of Maryland at College Park. Prof. Pyakuryal holds posts at many centers of repute around the world. He has been Professional Associate at the East-West Center, Honolulu; Scholar-in-Residence of the Rockefeller Foundation, in Italy; Visiting Scholar at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington D.C., Commissioner of The Independent South Asian Commission on Poverty Alleviation of SAARC. He is also a fellow of South Asian Network for Environmental Economics and Development (SANDEE).

Prof. Pyakuryal was the Chairman of Nepal Industrial Development Corporation (NIDC); Member of the Board of Nepal Rastra Bank; Member of Trade and Business Consultative Group headed by the Prime Minister; Chairman of the High-level Public Expenditure Commission of the Government of Nepal; currently he is, Member, National Development Council, National Planning Commission; Member of the High-Level Economic Diplomacy Committee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Member of the Advisory Board of High-level Committee on Financial Sector Reform Strategy, Ministry of Finance; Member of the Advisory Board of High-level Committee of the Office of Auditor General.

Prof. Pyakuryal has been International Consultant for over two dozens of UN agencies. He has written, co-authored and edited twelve books; published research articles in accredited international journals, contributed chapters in several books published from Nepal and abroad.  

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