Saturday, March 29, 2025
15.69°C Kathmandu
Air Quality in Kathmandu: 169
Apart from folk, Nepathya’s songs also portray contemporary Nepal – its pain at times of war and distress, and yet the ray of hope an artist sees and imagines of…
Critics address Nepathya as the Most Earthy Nepali Band.
A. Band – background info
Formed in 1990 by Deepak Rana (now a Chopper pilot), Bhim Poon (now settled in Hong Kong) and Amrit Gurung, Nepathya has in these 24 years provided platform to many musicians.
It has seen 21 new faces come and go, but the name Nepathya and it’s popularity still exists with consistency.
Nepathya has been a platform for talented musicians. As music is yet to become a sustainable form of profession in Nepal, long-term commitments from musicians remain rare.
Amrit Gurung has remained the guardian, leader and currently the lead vocalist of Nepathya.
With 9 albums to its credit, Nepathya from its Chekyo Chekyo days (release early 90s) to Jomsome Bazaarma (release mid 90s) to Resham (release 2001) to Bhedako Oon Jasto (release 2003) has maintained its consistency in the market.
Nepathya’s 7th album was called 'Ghatana … incidents of Nepal'. Ghatana was a musical expression of Nepal as Nepalese lived through 2003-2005 conflict struck Nepal.
8th album (2010) – Mero Desh is a compilation of songs based on Nepathya’s musical expression of current Nepal. Few songs are fresh and newly recorded, few are from it’s back catalogue which Nepathya still thinks is relevant and few have come in re-arranged and re-recorded forms.
Nepathya last album (2010) – Aina Jhyal is a continuity of Nepthya’s folk rock genre. An outcome of Amrit’s travel to the villages and the positive and peaceful direction the nation is heading after conflict and political transition.
B. Albums released
After the enforcement of the State of Emergency in 2001, Nepal’s entertainment sector had come to a stand still. Politics was entering schools thus directly affecting small school kids. Nepathya stood out and went on a tour- when travelling alone was considered risky. The tour had a call – “Education for Peace”. All funds collected (approx. Nepalese rupees 400,000 ) were donated to public schools in the venue cities for building libraries.
This travelling Peace concert has remained as a historic event in the musical scene of Nepal.
No event of such magnitude has been organised in Nepal yet.
All 6 venues were filled to capacity. The smallest crowd on the concert tour reached 15,000 while in one place the crowd turnout reached 50,000.
This peace tour was organised at time when The Peace talks were on the process between The Government and the Maoists. And this tour was commented upon as a clear referendum for peace.
The Tour was organised and managed by nepa~laya in association with Himal Association – a not for profit organisation.
During this tour the Band along with other solo artists (Deep Shrestha, Kunti Moktan, Prem Rana ‘Autari’, Ram Thapa, Sapana Shree, and Sukmit Gurung) performed Open Air concerts to an altogether 200,000 audience in 14 days. All the programmes except Mahendranagar was broadcast live on Local Radio as well – making it’s reach to millions.
As education sector was repeatedly being used and violated by the warring parties in the country- and very less voice was coming in protest – Nepathya once again came out and toured the Nation advocating for violence and politics free Educational Institution.
This time Nepathya planned to go to 15 cities in the country and they did.
Except for one show which had to be cancelled due to a Strike Called by The Maoist party. The tour further faced 8 continuous days of strikes (bandhs) and blockades imposed by the Maoists and other Political Parties, during the 29 travel days planned for the Tour. However the Tour finally completed with 15 shows in 14 cities within the planned period.
The tour travelled to:
Travelling Peace Concert 2005.
This travelling Peace concert 2005 achieved yet another milestone in the history of Nepali musical scene. The event became the longest musical concert series in the history of Nepal at the time and directly catered to 300,000 plus audience in more than 8 venues across the country. All 8 venues were filled to capacity.
This peace tour was organised at time when the Maoist had declared a unilateral ceasefire. People's presence for the concert was commented upon as a clear referendum for peace. The peace concert in Charikot was also covered by BBC world service TV, Radio and website.
The Tour was organised and managed by nepa~laya in association with Himal Association – a not for profit organisation.
During this tour the Band along with other solo artists (Om Bikram Bista, Meera Rana, Kunti Moktan, Sapana Shree, Satya Raj Acharya, Swaroop Raj Acharya and Jyoti Ghimire) performed Open Air concerts to more than 300,000 audiences in 17 days. All the programmes except Hetauda, Dhangadi and Charikot was broadcast live on Local Radio as well – making it’s reach to millions. The final program in Bhaktapur was telecast live on TV as well.
"Nepathya for all" – is a series of concert planned at shelter homes and rehabilitation centres which are homes for disadvantaged community. Those who have interest but cannot attend concert for various reasons such as – Financial, Physical, mental, Social etc…
Nepathyta during 2006 visited 6 such places where it incorporated and entertained such community.
Shows performed under this series were:
As a continuity to it's concert series – Nepathya travelled to 15 places of the country during December 2006 – February 2007. This time the band performed 25 shows in 15 venues. As the tour approached communal disturbance was creeping in Nepal. Hence along with advocating and appealing for politics and violence free educational institutions, Amrit kept on appealing for harmony among all.
Nepathya travelled to 10 places of the country during January 2012. This was the 4th edition of their concert series – Nepathya ‘education for Peace’ Tour.
Nepathya again travelled to 11 new places of the country during December 2013. They concluded their concert series with a finale concert in Patan Durbar Square. This was the 5th edition of their concert series – Nepathya ‘education for Peace’ Tour.
1. Ratnanagar - Chitwan(6th Dec 2013)
2. Birat Chowk – Morang (8th Dec)
D. Concerts beyond Nepal by Nepathya since 2002
- Nepathya was invited to close the ANA (Association of the Nepalese in the Americas) Convention.
Nepathya performed as an opening act to the Himalaya Film Festival. The festival featured more than 50 documentaries from the Himalayan region. The festival had three documentaries showcased on Nepathya.
9. Antwerp, Belgium (Arenberg Schouwburg auditorium) - 13th Nov. 2005
- Nepathya became the first ever Nepali band to perform live in Belgium.
10. World Village Festival – Helsinki, Finland – 28th May 2006
- Nepathya was invited as the main performer for this yearly festival in Helsinki. The theme of the festival was – Villagers of the World Unite.
11. India Social Forum – New Delhi, India – 13th November 2006
12. Rock the Boat – Musical Concert – India International Centre – New Delhi - 7th Dec 2007
- this show was to mark the launch of UN's regional programme on activism to prevent Gender based violence.
13. Nepathya in Australia – January 2009 – Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne
14. Hong Kong - Yuen Long Auditorium – February 2010.
15. South Korea - Don Guk University Auditorium – September 2010
16. Pakhyoung, Sikkim – St. Xavier’s School Ground – November 2010
17. South Asian Bands Festival – Old Fort, New Delhi – December 2010
18. Tel Aviv – Israel – August 2011
19. Hong Kong – Tuen Wan Auditorium – 25th February 2012
20.Nepathya Music for Unity Australia tour 2012 – Brisbane on 5th April (Princess Theatre),
Adelaide on 7th April (Fowlers Live), Melbourne on 9th April (Dallas Brooks Centre) and
Sydney on 14th April (Sydney Town Hall)
21. Wembley Arena, London, United Kingdom – 3rd August 2013 – Nepathya Music for Unity
22. Hongkong - Yuen Long Auditorium – 26th October 2013, Dhampus Swarnim Sanjh – Nepathya solo concert in aid of blacktopping of road to Dhampus.
24. Seoul, South Korea – Sinheoung University Covered Hall – 7th October 2014 – Nepathya Concert in aid of Nepal Magar Sangh, Korea
25. Doha, Qatar – Westend Park Amphitheatre – 19th September 2014
26. Bangalore, India – RR institutions Ground – 22nd March 2015
27. Nepathya Australia Tour – April 2015 – Perth (4th April-HBF Stadium), Sydney (11th April- Big Top Auditorium), Brisbane(15th April-Brisbane Show Grounds), Darwin (18th April-Filipino Community Hall) , Melbourne (26th April-Melbourne Town Hall)
28. Tokyo, Japan – 5th May 2015 – Aprico Hall, Kamata
29. Dubai, United Arab Emirates – 21st May 2015 – Al Nasr Leisure Land
30. London, United Kingdom – 8th August 2015, O2 Academy
31. New York, United States of America – 29th August 2015, Manhattan Centre – Hammerstein Ballroom
E. Social Commitment ( Fund raisers)
- Nepathya has always been considered a Socially Aware Band.
With the Ticket Proceedings of The “Shanti ko Lagi Sikchya tour 2002” Nepathya contributed a sum close to NPRs. 400,000 to five partner schools, for educational infrastructure development.
- During the 2004 tour of Nepathya 'Education for Peace' – sum close to NPRs. 1,500,000 was donated to local school.
- Nepathya has also helped raise a sum close to 500,000 rupees to SIRC (Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Centre) from a concert held at the premises of Nepal Disabled Association on 16th October 2004.
- From Nepathya Tour 2006/07, Nepathya helped raise an additional NPRs. 1,500,000 for schools and social organization. In addition to this the band performed 10 shows free of cost for school children and physically challenged children.
- Through Concerts tours – Sundar Shnata Nepal – 2003 and 2005 – Nepathya were instrumental in contributing around NPRs. 1,500,000 for various schools and social organisations.
-From Nepathya Tour 2012, Nepathya helped raise about NPR.1,000,000 for schools and local organisers.
-From the Nepathya Education for Peace tour in 2013, Nepathya helped raise another NPR 10,00,000 for various schools and social organisations.
-From their concert in Melbourne, Tokyo and Dubai, Nepathya helped raise over 4 million NPR for Nepal Earthquake Victims.
F. Nepathya in Documentaries
It is not common for Musician’s effort to receive Full length Documentary exposure. However with Nepathya it has happened several times.
1. Bhedako Oon Jasto… in search of a song – 56 min. dir. Kiran Krishna Shrestha - 2003
This award winning documentary explains the folk melody research process of Nepathya. This documentary has won wide appreciation and awards at International Film Festivals and has now travelled to more than 50 places.
2. Leave Our Schools Alone – 46 min. dir. Dinesh Deokota - 2004
This film covers Nepathya’s Nationwide Peace Concert Tour _ Nepathya – Shnatiko Lagi Sikchya Tour 2004. This film focuses on how the tour moved ahead and shared messages of peace and brotherhood to the Countrymen living across the Nation. The main appeal being No politics in schools – Leave our Schools Alone.
3. Sa Karnali… through Dolpa- 55 min. dir. Kiran Krishna Shrestha - 2006
This documentary covers the shooting of a music video Sa...Karnali from Nepathya's album 'Bhedako Oon Jasto'. The documentary was shot in the Dolpo region while Nepathya's music video Sa.. Karnali was being shot. This documentary was even shown at a Cinema Hall during October 2006, where it ran for 2 weeks.
4. Musican's Call – 40 mins. dir. Padam Bajracharya - 2008
This is a documentation of Nepathya's 3rd edition of nationwide concert tour – Nepathya "education for peace" tour 2006/07. The film focuses on the travel and musical element observed during the tour.
Nepathya’s Education for Peace Tour 2013 was documented in a travel formatted documentary focussing on the rural areas the band travelled to the theme message. Back stage activities along with the bands focus on the peace was the idea behind the documentary. This was Nepathy’s 5th edition of the Education for Peace series.
G. Soundtrack
Music and songs from Nepathya’s album Ghatana was used as soundtrack for the documentary - Frames of War (Dir. Kesang Tseten / Prem BK - 2009)
H. Major online links on Nepathya coverage on English Media (for reference):
Facebook: nepathyaoffical /
Twitter: @nepathya_band / @amritnepathya
For further info contact:
nepa~laya *
+977 1 4412469, 4412395
*nepa~laya is the official management company for Nepathya