Saturday, July 27, 2024

25.12°C Kathmandu

Air Quality in Kathmandu: 52

Subash Chandra Dhunge

Name : Subash Chandra Dhungel
Age :  54 years old
Sex :  Male
Father’s name : Hom Shankar Dhungel
Mothor's Name    : Kebal Kumari Dhungel
Place of birth                :  Katunje VDC ward no.2, Bhaktapur, Nepal.
Nationality               :  Nepali
Date of birth           :  1961/3/29.
Marital status       :  Married (wife, one son, one daughter)
Address                   :  Katunje VDC-2, Bhaktapur, Nepal. 
                                          G.P.O. box no: 14435 Kathmandu, Nepal.
                                          E- mail: [email protected]
Current Position       : Chief Administrative Officer (Officer Level I Class)
  University Grants Commission of Nepal (UGC)
                              2007- till the date.
Main Responsibilities of the Chief Administrative Officer 
The chief Administrative Officer is the major post of Administration. The responsibilities are as follows; 
1. To conduct all the administrative activities with close coordination of Chairman & Member Secretary of UGC.
2. To work as a secretary of various committees formed by UGC eg. Academic Committee, Job Creation/Recruitment & Selection Committee/University Establishment committee etc.
3. To prepare suggestion on higher education related issues to the Government of Nepal. The suggestions are prepared under the guidance of Member-Secretary & Chairman.
4. To manage meeting of the commission (to prepare agenda, to summit the agenda to the meeting, to manage allowances to the members, to prepare decisions and to send the decisions to the members of the commission).
5. To manage activities of the procurement e.g. material planning & inventory management.
Past Experience      : Senior monitoring and evaluation officer.        
                               University Grants Commission of Nepal (UGC)
                               1998-2002 total six years.
Main Responsibilities of the Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (SMEO)
1. Data management of the universities & colleges.
2. To give feedback to the related divisions for the decision of the grants.
3. To monitor higher education institutions.
4. To prepare documents for the travel grants.
5. To provide fellowship to the university teachers for Ph.D/M.Phil study.
6. To prepare & publish Annual Report & Quality Improvement Program guidelines.
      Past Experience     :  Senior Administrative Officer.
                               University Grants Commission of Nepal (UGC)
                               2003- 2007.
Main Responsibilities of the Senior Administrative Officer (SAO) it is one level junior post of Chief Admin Officer so the duties are more or less similar.
1. To conduct all the administrative activities with close coordination with Chairman & Member Secretary of UGC.
2. To work as a secretary of various committees formed by UGC eg. Academic Committee, Job Creation/Recruitment & Selection Committee/University Establishment committee etc.
3. To prepare suggestion on higher education related issues to the Government of Nepal. The suggestions are prepared under the guidance of Member-Secretary & Chairman.
4. To manage meeting of the commission (to prepare agenda, to summit the agenda to the meeting,to prepare decisions and to send the decisions to the members of the commission).
5. To manage activities of the procurement e.g. material planning & inventory management.
Qualification:  Certificate in general medicine, Tribhuban University (TU) 
                           :  Bachelor of management, Tribhuban University (TU)
                           :  Bachelor of public health (BPH) Institute of medicine, (TU)
                           :  Masters of Public Administration Tribhuban University
                           : M.Phil in Education Leadership
Worked as a Member Secretary, Member and Secretary of various committees, task force, monitoring and evaluation team of UGC Nepal.
Experience (Apart from University Grants Commission)   
:  Three years experience as an IEC officer.
Nepal Anti TB Association Kathmandu, Nepal.
:  One years experience as a Health Officer
National Child Rehabilitation Center (NASPEC)
Kalimati Kathmandu.
:  Two years experience as a Sanitation Coordinator
Rural water supply and sanitation fund dev. Board (RWSSFDB)
:  Coordinator
IEC materials evaluation research project, SCF US
Project area: Far western region of Nepal.
:  Three years experience as a Principal.
Ambika health training institute, Bhaktapur Nepal.
:   Three years experience as a principal.
Binayak health training institute, suryabinayak,Bhaktapur
: One year work experience
IEC materials production for School Health Program 
Conducted by Nepal Public Health Association and
Funded by World Vision International Nepal.
: 3 years teaching experience
As a Lecturer in Education Campus Tinkune Subidhanagar.
Kathmandu,Teaching for B.Ed students.                        
to Social Institution  
President, public health promotion center, Nepal.
Life-Member , Nepal anti tuberculosis association, Bhaktapur.
Life-Member, Nepal public health association of Nepal.
Member, health development associates Kathmandu.
Treasurer, international union for health promotion and
education. (IUHPE) Nepal Chapter Adhoc Committee.
Treasurer, poet, Chakrapani smarak pratisthan.
Advisor, Tej Ganga College, Panauti Kavre.
Management Committee member 
1. Mahendra Ratna Multipal Campus Ilam
2. Mahendra Ratna Campus Tahachal
Publication: Health management-A text book for public health related
                       technical student.
                       Various types of worms and its preventive measures-A 
                       booklet for school health program.
                     : Various education and health related articles published in
                        different publication.
                     :  More than 100 Nepali modern songs and short stories writing.
                     :  Bhachiyako Man a collection of 101 modern songs and Gazal
                     :  Chot ke ho Byatha keho……… A Cassette album produced by
                         Music Nepal
                     : Subash……………… A CD album produced by Rebel Creation
                     : Editor of the following magazines;
Jana Swasthya Sanchar a bimonthly publication of Public Health Promotion Canter Nepal.
Sandesh an awareness-oriented biyearly magazine published by Katunje Community Development Coordination Committee in the financial support of World Vision International Nepal.
Janaswastha a 6 monthly publication of Nepal Public Health association
News Letter A bimonthly publication of University Grants Commission, Nepal
Awards    : Education Award 2060 (2003) – awarded by Ministry of 
                       Education and Sport Nepal
                     : Honour by Katunje Village Development Committee as a lyricist.
                     : Honour by katunje Community Development Committee, Katunje as
                       a community development activist.
                     : Chhina Lata Geet Puraskar 2069 as a lyricist
Visited     : India, Thailand, Sweden, China, Malaysia, Italy, Netherland, Belgium for 
                      International Training, Exposure visit, Internship etc
Hobbies   :  Football/Literature.
1. Prof. Dr. Vinod Kumar Shrestha
Pokhara University Service Commission
Phone:- 5526353/9849764972
2. Prof. Dr. Muni Raj Chhetri
Principal and Head  
Community Medicine Department
Chitawan Medical College, Teaching Hospital
Cell phone: - 98510-66103
The above mentioned precise details are true and correct.
Date:-21st March, 2014.

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