Monday, January 20, 2025
13.12°C Kathmandu
Air Quality in Kathmandu: 230
Yashoda Parajuli is a singer who started her
career since a childhood stage. In a very early
age, she started singing songs in a school level.
She achieved musical degree in teen age. She
did B.Mus. in classical singing from Bhatkhande
Sangit Vidyapith Lakhanau, India. She achieved
best singer of Manipur India in 1987.
After her +2 examination of college she started
to sing Nepali song in Radio Nepal. First Radio
Nepal's recorded song "Din Dhalyo Aandheri
Rat ma" is very famous and popular in Neplease
Music field.
She performed her music in various countries
Hong Kong, India, China, Macaw, Qatar etc.
She has four albums till yet "Gauko Maya,
Sahayatra, Furshad Ma and Latest
Sambhanda" and more than 100 songs on
different media, albums. Her new just
recorded song Kasto Sambandha has been
selected as a Hot Property for this month in
Radio Kantipur. She awarded musical award
from various organizations. She won Dharti Ka
Geet Prize, Classical music competition from
Radio Nepal, Nai KalaNidhi Sangit Samman,
Honkong Neplease Federation Samman etc.
Birthday: 25 march
Qualification: B.A., B. Muse.