Saturday, July 27, 2024

26.12°C Kathmandu

Air Quality in Kathmandu: 52


Date of Birth:   Shrawan 12th
Birth Place:     Annapurna Bhojpur,Koshi,Nepal
Father:            Purushottam Mukarung Rai
Mother:           Gangadevi Rai
Solo Albums:     1)Bishwsako Bandhan -2059B.S.
                         4)Chandramukhi-2070 B.S. Exclusive only on Radio Kantipur this month.
Music Education: Diploma in Music/Classical 3rd Year
Total Numbers:   More than 250 songs including Bhajan,Modern,Lok,Movies e.t.c.
Musical Tours:   HK,South Korea,Singapore,Thailand,Brunai,India & almost all the places of Nepal.
First Recorded Song:Basant lagyo..2055B.S.
Award:           Placed 2nd in All Nepal Singing Competition-2064 Radio Nepal
Total Movie Numbers:Dozens
Hit Numbers:     Adherima Joon,Nasodha Saathi,Charile Gaune,Timi Bina e.t.c.

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